We gather all the companies that support Russia and did not cease their activities (did not express a position of complete cessation) in the first 20 days of the war. If today the company has expressed a position that is ceasing to operate, but has previously supported and worked for more than 20 days since the start of the war, we change the status of such a company from "support" to "changed shoes".
The statuses we have implemented:
supports - the company did not go and does not respond to appeals, is actively developing;
to bypass - partially left, allegedly made a fund to help Ukrainians, but continues to work and make excuses, reduced uncertain operations in Russia and stopped new investments, suspended new investments / advertising, reduced indefinite insignificant activities in Russia, suspended new investments / development, temporarily suspended all new orders and operational activities, suspended non-core business activities, reducing the scale of insignificant operations;
changed her shoes - worked for more than 20 days, but left due to public and political pressure, or in the process of leaving.
Source of fact-checking - data taken from open sources: media, public figures, Yale School of Management, financial statements of companies.

Photo: @borisgroh / Instagram
Who we are
Founder / fact checker / project developer:
Khvorostyanenko Yaroslav
Co-founder / main visual:
Yamschikova Oleksandra
Friends who supported the project morally and financially at this difficult time: Anna Walden, Mazo, Krrowl, Mark Rubel, Suki-Sue Honeywood, Lucy Mironenko, Charlene Batten, Tobias Gut, Nella Vacchianni, Alex Freeman, Alex Krivorotov, Alex Freerock, Naty, Djonik, Julia Gavrilova, Alina Gavrilova, Viktoria, Lika , Alina, Vasyl Khrystiuk, Ken Regan
Volunteer friends who help with fact-checking:
Elena Cohen